Automate Project Processes with Salesforce Process Builder

Brandi Johnson

Sep 23 2015 11 min read

When using Cloud Coach for project management, you can use Salesforce process builder to streamline and automate some of your most common tasks.

Salesforce process builder is a workflow tool you can use to automate business processes. It has a simple interface that allows you to point and click to select objects and fields, while setting up immediate and time-based actions. Process builder allows you to do more than a simple workflow would.

Process builder has a simple interface that allows you to point and click, select objects and fields, and setup immediate and time based actions. It allows you to do more than a simple workflow would.

Action Types

There are several different actions you can trigger within the process builder. These actions are:

  • Trigger Apex code: You can use Salesforce process builder to invoke Apex code you have written within Salesforce. Apex can be anything from custom logic to save a record to complex business processes.
  • Create a record: This will allow you to create new records and set certain field values for the new record. Rows will appear automatically for any fields that are required.
  • Email alerts: Email alerts are configured outside of the Process Builder and contain the standard text, list of recipients, and template for an email.In order to send an email from a process, you must create the email alert. You can use only email alerts that are associated with the same object that the process is associated with. The record that started the process is used as the starting point for any merge fields that are used in the email alert.
  • Trigger a flow: You can launch a flow from your process to automate complex business processes. Create flows to perform logic and have events trigger the flows via processes all without writing code. In order to launch a trigger-ready flow from a process, you must create and activate the flow.
  • Post to Chatter: Using the post to chatter action you can post information to any user or group chatter feed within Salesforce. The post will appear in the chatter field as if the person who triggered the process had written it. You can reference groups or topics and add merge fields.
  • Submit for approval: Submit the record that started the process for approval, doing this via a process will allow you to select more options and criteria than a workflow. Only the record that started the process will be submitted. You can’t submit any related records for approval.
  • Update records: Update one or more records that are related to the record that started the process. You can update the record with manually entered values or by using the values from related records. The records’ Last Modified By field will be set to the user who started the process.
  • Quick actions: You must already have global actions or an object specific action created within Salesforce to use these quick actions. You can then select to log a call, send an email, or update a record.

Sample Process

In our example today we are going to create a process that will be triggered when a project is created. If the project type is implementation we want to create a ticket assigned to the project creator. We will also send an email to their support team two days after the project is created.

Our first step is navigating to the process builder. Click on your name at the top right and click on Setup.


In the menu bar on the left, click Create, then Workflow & Approvals.


You will then see Process Builder listed.


To create a new process you click on the New button in the top right hand corner of the screen.


A popup will open where you have to enter a name, API name (which is generally the same as the name with underscores instead of spaces), and a description.


Once you click save you will enter the process creation canvas.  This is where you will add the object, criteria, and actions.


You first need to select the object on which your process will be based.  Click on the Add Object link to open the object options menu.


From the object options menu you will select the object from the pick list. For this example, we select project.


The next option is to trigger the process when the record is created, or whenever it is created or edited.  In our case we will only trigger upon creation.  Click Save.

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The next step is to add the process criteria. The process criteria are used to tell the process when to run. Click on the Add Criteria button.


Add a name for your criteria.


You now need to determine whether you want to always execute the process with no conditions, if you want to use a formula to evaluate the criteria, or if you will use the condition pick lists.  We will use the pick lists, so select ‘When conditions are met’.


To set the conditions click on the field pick list. A popup will appear where you can select the appropriate field.


In our case we select project type.


Next we add the value of Implementation. This means the process will be triggered when the type is implementation.


If required, you can use filter logic such as AND, and OR.


We now need to add our actions.  There are two separate sections for the actions, immediate actions and scheduled actions.


First click on the Immediate Actions, then select the action type you want to trigger. We want to create a record, so we select that from the pick list.


You then need to select what type of record to create. For this example, we want a ticket. A list of fields will appear so you can select what values you would like in those fields. You can add information to any fields such as name, type, status, priority, and owner.

For the name field we use a reference, so that it will refer to the name of the project from which the ticket was created.


Formulas are also useful. We can use a formula type to set the due date as 14 days from the created date.


We also add information to a few other fields.


The next step is the scheduled action, which is our email. Click on the Set Schedule link.


Now select when to schedule the action. We want our email to send 2 days after project created date.


The process to add the action is the same as when we added an immediate action. In our example, however, we will send an email alert instead of creating a ticket.


Remember: You must create an email template first and then create an email alert using that template.  Email Alerts are located under Workflow & Approvals.

Set up the alert and add in the recipients. We are using two recipients; the Project Owner and the Implementation Support public group.


Within Process Builder you may now select this alert from the list.


You then save your process and Activate it.  Once the process is activated it will be triggered every time a project is created for implementation.

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How will you use Salesforce process builder to streamline your projects?


Brandi Johnson

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