Reporting & Dashboards

Accurate, accessible Information is the backbone of any business. See real-time data visualizations that really matters, driving informed decision making across your organization.

List of Benefits

"With Cloud Coach, we were immediately able to reduce the need for 2 FTEs for project data administration and resource management"
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Real Time, Real Fast

Data and Insights: Open 24/7

All your project data is captured at key moments and available for reporting within seconds. Never miss a moment or a milestone, and get visualization into everything happening on your project, no matter the time of day:

  • All data captured can be reported upon
  • Reporting available 24/7
  • See reports on web, mobile or by email

Sales to Project Handoff

Sales to Project Handoff

At Everyone's Fingertips

On demand reporting, without IT

Whether you want to customize one of our out of the box reports or create something brand new, Cloud Coach gives you the tools to create the reports that matters to you and your business:

  • Create and update your own reports
  • View data in multiple report formats
  • Organize and group reports into folders

Project Dashboards

Get an Immediate Overview

For busy project managers, current and precise project data is crucial. Cloud Coach provides you with accessible project dashboards round the clock. Our range of dashboards encompass project and task status, project time consumption, and team utilization.   

  • Customize dashboards to suit you exact project needs
  • Access key project data 24/7
  • Drill into report details from your dashboards

Align to Client Goals

Skills based resourcing

Individual Dashboards

My Day

At Cloud Coach, we understand that everyone’s work day is different. We all have our own unique ways of working, prioritizing tasks and even visualizing key information. The right tool can make all the difference: and that’s why we have My Day!

  • View all of your assigned work and daily meetings from one place
  • Customize your My Day to display what matters to you
  • Manage your working with an easy-to-use widget interface

External Stakeholder Dashboards

External Project View

Whether you’re dealing with a client facing project or managing an internal IT effort, you have internal and external stakeholders to manage and keep informed. With Cloud Coach’s External Project View, you can:

  • Share real time project updates with external stakeholders
  • Customize external dashboards to only show the most relevant information
  • Send automated alerts to stakeholders via email

User Friendly Time Tracking

View Client Stakeholders

Available Capacity

Resourcing Dashboards

Capacity & Load

Our resource management dashboards provide exactly what project and resource managers need to plan and execute projects effectively, with an intuitive look at both available capacity and resource loading. 

  • View upcoming capacity by month and filter by skill type
  • Filter by user to team for a color-coded insight into availability
  • View as a % of total capacity you have

Want to see Cloud Coach in action?

Let us show you why Cloud Coach is the highest-rated Customer Onboarding, PSA and Success solution native to Salesforce.

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Schedule a tailored demo with one of our project specialists.

  • Fill out the form below
  • Our team will reach out within 24 hours to discuss your unique requirements
  • We’ll schedule a 1:1 demo with one of our product specialists  
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