Automatically Create a Meeting Based on Project Health

Brandi Johnson

Feb 24 2016 6 min read

Unfortunately, not every project goes according to plan. When a project goes off-track, it’s important to get the team together to understand what happened, and how to get back on track. While other project management software may alert you to the problem, it’s up to you to get the team together to resolve the issue. With Cloud Coach’s built in productivity tools, you can automatically create these meetings when you get into trouble.

After creating my meeting template, I move into Salesforce Process Builder.

I create a new process using the New button in the upper right corner.

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After saving the process name, I start building the process. Since I want to trigger this meeting when a project heath is changed to red, I base the process based on the Project object. Project health changes throughout the project execution, so this process should run whenever a record is created or edited.

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When I click New, a new screen pops-up where I enter my Process Name and Description. The API Name is automatically generated based on my Process Name.

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The next step is to add the criteria for the process. These criteria determine if the process will run – and thus if my meeting is created. I select Conditions are met under the Criteria for Executing Actions. These are the conditions I set for the process:

  • Field = Project Health ([project_cloud__Project__c].project_cloud__Health__c)
  • Operator = Equals
  • Type = Picklist
  • Value = Red

Since my projects go through a lot of updates that are not changing the project health, I only want to execute the action when the health field is updated. By checking the box under the advanced setting, I won’t run the process unnecessarily.

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When my projects are in trouble, I want to have the meeting right away. I create an Immediate Action to create the meeting. I create an Action Type and Action Name. For this process, I select the action type Apex. This opens a new dropdown to select the Apex Class needed to invoke a meeting. The class I need is called ccpt__InvokeMeetingTemplateConversion. After I select this class, I set the following variables:

  • Meeting Template Id (String)
  • Relate Record Id (Reference)
  • Meeting Start Time (DateTime)
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I copy the Meeting Template Id from the Meeting Template in the productivity interface and paste it into the Value of the Meeting Template Id field.

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After I’ve set these three variables, I save the action. Since it’s important to get projects back on track, I also want to create a Chatter Post notifying the project team of the meeting. I create a section Immediate Action I select the Post to Chatter Actin Type, and define the name of the action. You want the chatter post to be created on the project record. Once I select this, a Message Section appears where I can enter the message I want to appear when the process is executed. I use the merge fields to add specific project details, like the project name.

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After I save my action, I activate the process in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

To test the process, all I need to do is update the health of a project to red. After I save the change, I see that my chatter post has been created, and my meeting appears in the meeting related list.

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I’m ready to run the meeting, with the things we need to discuss to get the project back on track.

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I can also use this process to create meetings when a project phase or task is in red status, if my business needs require them.


Brandi Johnson

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