How can I get my team working on projects together?

Brandi Johnson

Apr 14 2017 5 min read

Chances are, you’re not working on projects alone. Whether you need a variety of skills to accomplish your project objectives, or multiple hands on deck because of a tight timeline, there are many ways you need to bring your team together to collaborate and succeed. With a project management solution, like Cloud Coach Milestones, you can:

  • Assign project task to team members
  • Discuss project updates
  • See all your work across multiple projects
  • Use different views to organize and prioritize work

Let’s start by taking a look at how to assign tasks to team members.

With Cloud Coach Milestones, you can assign one person to work on each task. You can assign people to work on tasks when you create your project templates, or for each new project, you create.

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You can see who is assigned to work on tasks directly from your Gantt view or the management panel.

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You can also change assignments directly from this page by clicking on the x to the right of the person’s name and then assign a new person.

Do you need to share the workload for a single task across multiple people, or assign tasks based on skills? You may need a different level of Cloud Coach project management. Use our infographic to help identify which solution is right for you!

Discussing Project Tasks

Of course, when you invest in an integrated project management system, you don’t want to lose all of your conversations to email. We’ve integrated Chatter with your projects and individual tasks, making it easy for everyone to stay on the same page. You can find Chatter in the management panel on the right side of your screen. If you are on a cross-project Gantt view, the chatter is for the full project; if you are on an individual project view, the Chatter feed is for a selected task.

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Seeing all your work across multiple projects (and in multiple views)

Of course, it’s rare that a team member gets to work on just one project at a time. With “My Assignments,” your team can see all of their project work on a single page – in timeline, board, or list view. 

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From this page, your team members can update the status of their tasks and collaborate using Chatter – without hopping from page to page or project to project. You can also drag and drop to update task status when you leverage the board view.

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Teamwork and collaboration are at the heart of successful project execution. If your project management doesn’t give your team the tools they need to keep track of what they’re working on, share status updates, converse with team members – all while giving project managers tools to make sure everything is going according to plan; maybe it’s time to consider a new solution. You can get started today – for free – with Cloud Coach Milestones.


Brandi Johnson

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