How can I get a departmental view of our projects?

Brandi Johnson

May 12 2017 7 min read

What good is a project management tool if you spend more time looking for your projects and tasks and chasing status updates than you did before you started? Keeping your projects organized in ways that work for you helps put your project management system to work for you – not the other way around.

Organization Tool 1: List Views

We’re all familiar with the power of list views in Salesforce. They’re commonly used for finding the records that are most important to you – whether that’s leads, cases, or opportunities. List views are no different in Cloud Coach Milestones – except that we’ve taken them a step farther. Rather than just seeing a traditional table view, Cloud Coach Milestones gives you a visual timeline display of all of your projects that meet the list view criteria, so you can see your progress all at once.

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Just like with a traditional list view, you can also dig into the details of a project or record.

You can also create and edit list views that meet your own needs. In this example, we’re just looking at all active Milestones projects, but you could easily create list views to see all of your project templates or projects that haven’t been updated in a while.

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Organization Tool 2: Field Customization

Of course, the default fields that come with Cloud Coach Milestones may not be enough for your organization. Since all Cloud Coach project management solutions are built on the Salesforce AppCloud, you can add additional fields to customize your projects (and keep you organized). Here are a few things that we’ve had customers add:

  • Requesting Department: If you’re an internal services team (or Salesforce Admin), you may want to keep track of which department requested a project. Using list views, you can just see projects that came from a certain department.
  • Budget: If you’ve got a certain amount of money to work with to accomplish the project’s goals, adding a field to track that data may be important. You could then create views to see all projects that fall within a certain budget range. [Please note: Cloud Coach Enterprise and Ultimate Editions include integrated budget and expense tools.]
  • Key Deliverable Dates: Perhaps you have certain deadlines that you want to hit throughout the project lifecycle that you want to keep front and center – not just tied to certain tasks. By adding fields for these dates, you can keep track of which projects have upcoming major milestones coming up in the next few days or weeks.
  • Project Type Labels: Even within one department, you may have different types of tasks. For example, in a marketing department, you may have email campaigns, events, landing pages, webinars, and web ads. By adding a field to track which type of project you’re working on, it’s easy to leverage list views and reporting to see how many of which project type you’re working on.


Organization Tool 3: Attachments

For many projects, you may need additional details that aren’t part of the project plan – from mockups for website designs to customer stories for new product development. With Cloud Coach Milestones, you can attach documents directly to your projects (or tasks) so your team has all of the up-to-date information they need to get their jobs done.

Organization Tool 4: Chatter

When you’ve made the commitment to organizing your projects in Salesforce, the last thing you want to do is lose project details and updates in email. When we developed Cloud Coach, we wanted to make sure that your team had collaboration tools at their fingertips that made keeping everyone in the loop organized. We’ve leveraged Chatter on projects and tasks so that your team can have their conversations all in one place.

Organization Tool 5: Integration Options

Another powerful way to keep your projects organized is to link them to your existing business processes. Whether you’re running onboarding projects for new clients that should be linked to accounts or opportunities, marketing projects that need to be linked to campaigns, or IT projects that connect to internal cases, Cloud Coach projects are easy to integrate with your existing processes to increase visibility and keep everything interconnected – just like your business is.


Brandi Johnson

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