Feature of the Month: External Collaboration

Jacob Huisingh

Feb 28 2024 3 min read

Navigating the intricacies of project management, whether it’s client-facing endeavors or internal IT initiatives, requires a delicate balance of communication and transparency. 

In the fast-paced world of modern business, ensuring that all stakeholders remain well-informed poses a significant challenge. 

Does everyone know the status of a certain task? Is every stakeholder aware of the tasks assigned to them? Are we all working to the same dates and timelines? 

Regardless of whether your stakeholders are internal team members or external clients, keeping them engaged and informed is essential for project success. 

It might sound simple, but if everyone working on a project is using the same tool – like Cloud Coach – it’s much easier to keep everything (and everyone!) on track. So how do you communicate effectively with stakeholders who are outside of your Salesforce org?

Meet: our External Project View!

Keep Stakeholders Engaged

Our External Project View feature offers a unique solution to this all-too-common external collaboration dilemma. It enables you to share vital project information with stakeholders seamlessly, bridging the gap between those with access to Cloud Coach, and those without.

The External Project View is a unique page that stakeholders outside of our Salesforce org can access – allowing them to send messages and updates throughout a project’s implementation. With the External Project View, users have the ability to communicate on all sorts of objects and records, such as individual tasks, tickets and even external deliverables. 

In the video below, I show just how easy it can be to keep external stakeholders engaged throughout a project.

Contact us if you would like to find out more about how our software can help you collaborate effectively with stakeholders both inside and outside of your organization! 


Jacob Huisingh

I am a Senior Professional Services Consultant at Cloud Coach. I help clients and organizations get set up with Cloud Coach during the implementation process - and I use our own product to help do it!

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