How to Launch a Project from RemedyForce

Nic Widhalm

Mar 17 2017 4 min read

In this week’s two-minute video, the team discusses how you can launch a Cloud Coach Project from RemedyForce.


Hello everyone, Nic here from Cloud Coach. Thanks for joining us this week as we take a look and now you can launch a project from RemedyForce.

I’m going to go ahead and switch on over here into our org. All right now the great thing about Cloud Coach is that since we have a nice integration with RemedyForce you can create your projects from any object whether it’s an incident, whether it’s change requests or a service request, whether using the console or not. So, in this example here we’re in our RemedyForce console and we have our incident open.

We have a brand new incident here that we’re working on. We need to go ahead and create a project now from this incident, so once I filled out all the form information here I can click on over into record details and right up here at the top we’re going to have a button for create project. So, I can click on that, and that’s going to take me into the first part of our creation screen where I can pick a template. Let’s pick Incident response, click create project and now it’s going to take me into my new project wizard where I can go ahead and set up details like my name, new incident project, and any cloning options. So, I have the option if I want to clone over resource allocations or budgeted expenses, Cloud Coach tickets or sales force cases so as long as those are related back to the template. Then I click on save and it’s going to automatically now create that project for me from that template and it’s going to link it back to the incident that we launched it from.

So, right here it’s taken us now to our project Gantt. Now we can work on that project and if I go back to my RemedyForce console and I go ahead and hit reload on my console here it’s going to show me there’s the project related right back to. So, a very simple process: just go into a related list, create a new project, and it links it right back. Piece of cake. so thanks again for joining us make sure to come back next week for another two minute video.


Nic Widhalm

Nic is the Global VP, Customer Experience, at Cloud Coach

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