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How Cloud Coach Provides Capacity Insights at Service Credit Union

Service Credit Union is a not-for-profit, member-owned financial cooperative, striving to improve financial well-being, support communities and create value and enduring relationships


Portsmouth, New Hampshire


501 – 1,000

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Enhanced processes

Service Credit Union can now manage everything from one platform

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better data

Capacity Planned vs Actuals can be seen with a click

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resourcing improvements

Transparent visibility into staff capacity

“We’re now spending our time in one-on-ones talking about higher level items.”

Tim Davis

Manager of Enterprise PMO, Service Credit Union

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The challenges

The solutions

Want to see Cloud Coach in action?

In less than an hour, let us show you why Cloud Coach is the highest-rated Customer Onboarding & PSA solution native to Salesforce. 

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Schedule a tailored demo with one of our project specialists.

  • Fill out the form below
  • Our team will reach out within 24 hours to discuss your unique requirements
  • We’ll schedule a 1:1 demo with one of our product specialists  
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A Cloud Coach advisor will be in contact by email within one working day to arrange your demo.