Client Rate Cards in Cloud Coach

Brandi Johnson

Jul 10 2015 5 min read

How are you tracking your billable hours? If you’re still relying on spreadsheets or time tracking applications, you could be under-billing for your team’s efforts. When you set up rate cards in Salesforce using Cloud Coach functionality, you can be sure that you’re improving accuracy, leveraging your CRM, and keeping your time tracking records where they belong – with your project.

What is a Rate card?

A rate card is a way to provide a client with individualized pricing for your services. They can be used for external clients or customers for your professional services, or internal rebilling, such as billing other departments for the work of your IT department.

How are Rate Cards Used?

Cloud Coach allows you to manage rate cards based on skill levels in Salesforce. The tiered rate cards allow you to charge more for junior versus senior services.

Sample Rate Card A
Skill Level Rate
Junior Developer $150/hour
Senior Developer $300/hour

You can have multiple rate cards for the same client, allowing you to charge a different rate for special projects.

Multiple rate cards

How can I use Rate Cards in Salesforce with Cloud Coach?
With Cloud Coach, rate cards are stored at the customer account level.

Using rate cards

When you create a new rate card, you will need to add the services that you’ll be offering, and the rates you will be charging for those services.

New rate cards

After creating a rate card, you will associate your Cloud Coach projects to those rate cards.

Associating Rate Cards

Any work that is tracked using Cloud Coach projects for these skills will be billed according to the rate card selected. Not only can you see the billing rate for the business, if you build your company’s costs into your skills, you can see the cost of delivery for both estimated and actuals. This allows you to understand your profit margins and ensure that you’re meeting your financial goals.

Utilization Details


Sample Rate Card A
Skill LevelRate
Junior Developer$150/hour
Senior Developer$300/hour

You can have multiple rate cards for the same client, allowing you to charge a different rate for special projects.

You can associate multiple rate cards to one customer

How can I use Rate Cards in Salesforce with Cloud Coach?
With Cloud Coach, rate cards are stored at the customer account level.

Rate cards are stored at the customer account level

When you create a new rate card, you will need to add the services that you’ll be offering, and the rates you will be charging for those services.

Create a new rate card with the skills needed for the project, and the hourly skill rates you will be charging.

After creating a rate card, you will associate your Cloud Coach projects to those rate cards.

Associate rate cards to projects to track billable hours.

Any work that is tracked using Cloud Coach projects for these skills will be billed according to the rate card selected. Not only can you see the billing rate for the business, if you build your company’s costs into your skills, you can see the cost of delivery for both estimated and actuals. This allows you to understand your profit margins and ensure that you’re meeting your financial goals.

Review your utilization details to calculate your ROI.


Brandi Johnson

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