Linking Your Shared Documents to Projects

Nic Widhalm

Dec 2 2016 5 min read

In the first of our new series of two minute use case videos, this week we will show how you can use Cloud Coach to easily link projects to your shared documents for seamless team collaboration. Keeping your whole team on the same page working from the same version of documentation.


Hello everyone, Nic from Cloud Coach here. I’m going to go ahead and show you a quick and easy way that you can attach your documents at the project level for some fast collaboration. So, let’s go ahead and jump on into our program here. All right, we’re right here in our program, I’m going to scroll down just a little bit. I can take a look at all of our projects here on our program here. I’m ready to work on those projects, so I’m going to click on the ‘Show Gantt’ view. Now, what this is gonna do is go ahead and open our Cross-Project Gantt view. It’s going to show me all the projects that are related to this particular program here, so it’s really easy for me now to go down each of these projects. I can open our details tab and do some work on each of these projects. Now, what I’ve done in this case is right here we have a field for floor plan. I have an excel document that I know I need collaboration on for each of these projects, so what I’ve done is I’ve taken that excel and put in a shared platform. In this case we’re using google drive but this will work just as well with Dropbox or box or SharePoint or any of those sharing platforms. So, I’ve taken that link and put it right here so I can easily at any point click on that and this is going to go ahead and open up my excel document right here for me. Now I can get a quick preview view of it, I can see as people are working on it, and how it changes. I can do my own work if I need to I could open it right here or download it to make any changes that I need to. And the great part about this is as I go down each of my projects I get the unique excel for each of those. So, in this case now I’m on ‘Production.’ I’m going to open that up and we’re going to see that now we have the specific unique excel document for this production project that I’m working on. And again, as I’m going through it as I’m collaborating on with my team I can easily see how things are progressing on it and I can just go down each of my projects and see that the floorplan link on each of those. So, just a really quick and easy way that I can go in and make those changes and see what’s happening on that shared document. Thanks so much for joining us today everyone, and have a great day!

Nic Widhalm

Nic is the Global VP, Customer Experience, at Cloud Coach

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